±Yugi Dueling Grounds±
Episode Previews


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Episode Previews

Yugi and his friends are getting hooked on the hottest new game, Duel Monsters.

When a classmate, Kaiba, finds out that Yugi's grandpa owns a game shop, he comes looking for valuable cards. But Grandpa refuses to sell him the coveted and rare Blue Eyes White Dragon card, so Kaiba tries to take it using his own dubious methods.

It's a duel between Yugi and Kaiba, only the monsters are all real, thanks to Kaiba's Virtual Simulator! Can Yugi teach him to respect the heart of the cards?





ugi and friends take a break from honing their card playing skills to watch Weevil and Rex Raptor compete in the Duel Monsters Regional Championship.

When Yugi opens a package from Duel Monsters creator, Maximillion Pegasus, Yugi is forced to face him in the mysterious Shadow Realm, where all the monsters and magic are real. Yugi loses, and Pegasus claims Grandpa's soul as his prize!

Yugi must travel to the Duelist Kingdom and win Pegasus' tournament if he is ever to see his grandpa again!

Yugi gives up one of his own star chips so that Joey can board the boat bound for Duelist Kingdom and duel to save his sisters eyesight, while Tea and Tristan stowaway to join their friends.

But when word spreads that Yugi was the one who defeated World Champion Kaiba, Weevil tries to cripple Yugi's deck by tossing his best cards overboard just as they reach the island!



EPISODE 4:::::

Once Yugi and his friends reach Duelist Kingdom, Pegasus reveals that there are many strange secrets on the island which will make his ultimate tournament unlike any theyve ever had. But when Weevil begins to use these mysterious new rules against Yugi in a duel, Yugi must not only figure the rules out, but master them if hes to survive!

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